Kaio Fausto Negri dos Santos
Brazilian, 21 years old, single
Address: Rua Guilherme Jeronimos Klosternecht 185, Jardim Capelinha
Cep: 05850-190 Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo - Brazil
Tel: 5816-3749-3463-9547
cel 55 (11) 7654-5993
Systems Analyst, DBA Junior, IT Support.
I am dedicated, caring and I am ready for new learning.
I have good interpersonal relationship, dynamic, flexibility, and I'm ready for the challenge of new tasks and activities.
Looking always be updated to my personal and professional improvement.
Graduate Technology Database
Start 01/2010 End 06/2012
(BandTec - Bandeirantes College of Technology)
Mounting Configuration and Maintenance of Microcomputers and Local Area Networks, SENAI Ary Torres (December 2007) - completed.
Introduction to Logic Programming, IMPACTA TECHNOLOGY (March/2009) - completed.
Oracle 10g - Introduction to SQL, IMPACTA TECHNOLOGY (September/2009) - completed.
Oracle 10g - Administration Workshop I, IMPACTA TECHNOLOGY (October/2009) - completed.
Oracle 10g - Administration Workshop II, IMPACTA TECHNOLOGY (November/2009) - completed.
English, Wizard (December/2011) - studying
intermediate reading and writing, basic conversation.
Professional History
- GTI Computers - janeiro/2008 of the September/2009
(Company midsize segment and computer technology)
Full Technical
Assistance within and outside the enterprise infrastructure and facilities within the general computing.
Last salary and benefits
- Latest salary: $ 1.500,00
Valley Transportation, meal and Valley Medical.
Other goals
Preference for the region of São Paulo / SP / BR
Accepted by the travel company.